Adult Services

Our Mission

We provide developmental services that promote independence to underserved and extra needs populations through the cycle of their lives.

Our Vision

LifeROOTS enriches the entire community by nurturing individuals to grow, strengthen, and flourish.

Empowering Adults With Disabilities Through
Our Programs

LifeROOTS adult services provide individuals with disabilities ages 18(+) comprehensive support and services in a manner consistent with their future goals and specific needs.

Our adult services offer supported employment and job coaching. For more information call today at 255-5501 for more information.


Our Mission

We provide developmental services that promote independence to underserved and extra needs populations through the cycle of their lives.

Our Vision

LifeROOTS enriches the entire community by nurturing individuals to grow, strengthen, and flourish.

Our Adult Programs Offer

  • Supervisors and service coordinators whose focus is concentrated on the needs of the person with a quick response to those needs
  • Elective participation in all supports and services determined by the needs of the individual
  • “Employment First” initiative for all individuals with disabilities

Program Benefits

  • A team-oriented staff that is experienced, caring, communication driven, and dedicated
  • Incorporated, normalized, and functional skill development opportunities for individuals
  • Freedom of choice environment based on needs and wants, where the individual chooses daily activities
  • Job coaching for hands-on training and support with ongoing follow-up and support for placed disabled individuals
  • Individual supported employment and group employment sites
  • Transportation to and from potential employment sites during job development.
  • Work assessments to determine skills and strengths to support finding the right employment opportunities, as well as job sampling to ensure abilities and desires