Early Intervention Services

Have Concerns about your child's development?

The years from birth to age 3 are a critical time in a child’s development. For children demonstrating signs of developmental delays, these early years take on an even greater importance. Early help makes a difference… and LifeROOTS Early Childhood Services has made a tremendous difference in the lives of many children and their families.

Our Approach

LifeROOTS will help you put the pieces of the developmental puzzle together — pieces that can, at first, seem confusing. You will discover how caregiver coaching can help meet your child’s and family’s unique needs. At LifeROOTS we strive to provide the best services and believe our approach works.

How & Why it Works!

  • Services are at NO COST for families and are funded by the State of New Mexico’s Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD).
  • Experienced, skilled and caring licensed professionals working one-on-one with children and their families — providing therapies and services in natural setting such as the home, school, and daycare.
  • Early Interventionists work closely with and bring together all important people in a child’s life — building collaboration between parents, service providers and others to enhance the child’s development through a Caregiver Coaching model.
  • FREE screening and evaluations to determine each child’s developmental needs – an individualized plan to meet each child’s specific needs.
  • Supports families through education and family services to help their children reach their true potential.
  • Provides connections to other resources in the community.
  • Assists children and families to determine their needs as they exit our program.
  • Early help is the best help when it comes to a child’s development.

Our Support And Services

Services for Children:

  • Screenings and evaluations, including hearing and vision
  • Developmental services
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Feeding/oral-motor information and instructions
  • Educational instructions
  • Activities to help social and emotional development
  • Assistive technology
  • Transition into school or next setting

Support for Families:

  • Developmental Knowledge
  • Coordination of needed social and health services
  • Access to support groups
  • Parenting Information and Instruction
  • Love and Logic® Parenting Make Fun


Our services are available to children from birth to age three who may be experiencing developmental delays or disabilities. We work with families to determine eligibility and develop a plan tailored to each child’s needs.

Contact us

Contact the Early Intervention Services (EIS) Team

Direct Line: 505-314-8520
Email: [email protected]
Medical Fax: 505-341-9448

Thank You To Our Partners!

Our community partners trust us, returning time and again for our exceptional support and results.

We’re expanding by introducing a Home Visiting program to better serve more children and families in our community.

We experience a high rate of returning families and receive numerous referrals from those we’ve served.

Community Resources

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